Miko Engineering completed this three-storey fire escape back in January 2022 at the newly developed Three Mile Gosforth Hotel & Restaurant. The large steel structure reached 10m tall at its highest point, with a width of almost 6m.
Specification of Work: Street Furniture
Client: The Catalyst, Helix Development
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Value: £50,000
Duration: 6 weeks
The Catalyst is a ground-breaking facility in the heart of Newcastle and was part of the £350m Helix development. Miko Engineering were responsible for manufacturing, and installing over 100m worth of heavy duty CorTen planters and some of our Vitality benches which we designed in collaboration with Newcastle University. The benches provide a comfy and ergonomic seating solution, whilst the planters are part of the landscaping at the front of the futuristic building.
Our on-site welding engineers were tasked with installing and fabricating the CorTen planters due to the sheer size and weight of the material. The CorTen is designed to rust overtime to give a rustic look to the landscape. The project does a great job of turning a bland city centre landscape into a more rural and modern solution.
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